Apply for Registration Fee Assistance

Registration Fee Assistance Funding Guidelines:

  1. The child must be between the ages 5-18

  2. Funding is allocated to sustained programs that involve a sport
    (e.g., Hockey, Soccer, Basketball)

  3. Child must be registered into a verified Association

  4. You must identify how much income as a family you are making per year before taxes

  5. You must include a copy of your most recent notice of assessment that displays your total income for the year (Line 15000)

Application Timelines:

  • Application open year-round

STEP 1: Please read the following document prior to completing the application form:

Registration Fee Assistance Guidelines

STEP 2: Please download and complete the form below:

Registration Fee Assistance Form

The Ronin Sharma Foundation would like to thank you in advance
for your contribution and support to honour Ronin’s legacy.